Ella Baché Bunbury

Ella Bache Bunbury

Welcome to Ella Baché Bunbury
Let Ella Baché Bunbury be your place to relax and revive. At Ella Baché our qualified therapists understand that “no two skins are alike”, and realise the importance of allowing you to enjoy an individual tailored treatment free from everyday stress and worries. Our therapists will focus on you, your needs and your wellbeing, obtaining optimal results for every treatment.
1936 in Paris, France Madame Ella Baché created a revolution with the use of tomatoes in her formulas in 1936. She was the first to use a fruit-acid based moisturiser. She watched young girls in Hungary apply sliced tomatoes to their cheeks and foreheads. The tomato extract purified their skin and gave them a healthy glow. Crème Tomate and Emulsion Tomate are found in Ella Baché’s Oily Skin solution in the Skin Strengthening Category of its recipes for beautiful skin.

In 1936 Madame Ella Baché also created Crème Intex and Crème Intex No 2, two extraordinary products that contain the same ingredient, cod liver oil, but have opposing results. Madame Baché observed Icelandic fishermen who despite harsh working conditions, never had chapped or cracked hands. In fact, the coldwater Norwegian halibut they caught proved to be a rich source of Vitamin A and D with cooling and hydrating properties. Interestingly, doctors during WWI used the same ingredients to treat burn injuries

Ella Bache Bunbury was established in 1992, our friendly, professionally trained beauty therapists have received a number of awards from opening in 1992.

WA Salon of the Year 1996; Business Development Award 2001& 2004;
Ella Baché’s own prestigious Edith Hallas Award for excellence 2002
Hall of Fame 2007
Humanitarian Award 2005
Ella Baché Western Australia Salon 2003
Western Australia and National Beauty Therapist 2003
State Finalist Beauty Therapist 2010,2011
Our team attributes our success to constantly updating our beauty education and product knowledge, all of which makes us passionate for the Ella Baché brand and the Ella Baché philosophy of skin fitness.

Whether you are after waxing, tinting, manicures, pedicures, body treatment, massage, facials treatments, electrolysis, skin diagnoses or a gift voucher for that special someone, we at Ella Baché Bunbury promise to offer you the best exclusive treatment and service we can offer. Book in with our friendly therapist to experience the Ella Bache individual approach to your skin, "because no two skins are alike".

Your beauty needs and skin care concerns are paramount to us, as we offer an extensive range of treatments and products for the face and body. “We do not promise miracles but we do promise better skin”
